We provide legal consultancy services for immigration in North American countries, South American countries and European countries. Main categories include: Brazilian Property Investment Immigration, U.S. Employment-Based Immigration, U.S. Non-immigrant Work Visa, EU-Blue Card within Germany, German Work Visa, Greece DNV, Hungary White Card, etc.
Brazilian Property Investment Immigration refers to that foreign investors who purchases a house completed or under construction worth at least 1 million reais in Brazil, can apply for permanent residency (a long-term residence permit) under certain conditions.
美国职业移民,是指美国政府允许各领域杰出人才、特殊人才以及美国劳工市场上短缺的专业技术人才,在满足一定条件下,申请美国的合法永久居住权,也称绿卡。职业移民划分为五大类: EB-1“杰出人才”、EB-2“专业/技术人才”、国家利益豁免移民(NIW)、EB-3 “熟练技术、专业/非技术工人”、EB-4“特殊人员”、EB-5“投资移民”。
U.S. Employment-Based Immigrant Visa refers to the fact that the U.S. government allows those outstanding talents in various fields, special talents, and professional and technical talents in short supply in the U.S. labor market to apply for legal permanent residency (LPR) in the United States under certain conditions. LPR is also known as Green Card. These employment-based (EB) preference immigrant categories include: EB-1 "outstanding talent", EB-2 "professional/technical talent", National Interest Waiver, EB-3 "skilled workers, professionals, and other workers”, EB-4 "Certain Special Immigrants", EB-5 "investment immigration".
欧盟蓝卡EU-Blue Card(德国),是在德国境内办理的一种工作签证。德国工签,是在境外领馆办理的工作签证。希腊DNV和匈牙利白卡,是数字游牧民签证,目的是吸引外国游牧民在希腊和匈牙利进行远程工作。
EU-Blue Card (Germany) is a kind of work visa, which is to be applied within Germany. German Work Visa is to be applied with German embassy and consulate abroad. Greek DNV and Hungarian White Card are both Digital Nomad Visas, which are designed to attract foreign nomads to work remotely in Greece and Hungary.